Selling in times of crisis might feel challenging to certain brands and businesses, especially. There is a bit of an art to heart-centered selling. It requires us to step outside of our logical, thinking brains and shift into a heart space. it requires allowing yourself to be guided by your heart and emotions, rather than logic and data. Heart-centered businesses sometimes struggle with marketing themselves. They can feel uncomfortable in positions of selling when what they really want to do is to help people.
The key is to understand how your business is helping people.
Let’s take the pandemic, for example. Many people were put out of work as businesses shut down, children were out of schools and getting their education virtually, and many daily habits we had as a society had to change. Certain industries were hit very hard, like restaurants, gyms, musicians and other performers, and travel/accomodations.
In the middle of all of this, we also see
And in a time of crisis such as this, a heart-centered business may struggle even more to be seen amidst all the noise. Should you sell? Should you promote your offerings now?
Selling in Times of Crisis
When in doubt,
Making Sense of the Noise
And I know that depending on who you ask those questions, you’re going to get answers all over the board. In fact, it seems everyone has an opinion and wants to share it these days. I know that can get really confusing for you.
I’m not here to add to the noise. So, with that in mind, I want to say that my advice here is specifically for owners of heart-centered and spiritual businesses. If that’s not you, but you still find this advice useful, then that’s great.
But I think narrowing down who I am catering to will help filter out some of the noise as well. I’m here to help entrepreneurs and small businesses in the spiritual space.
The first thing I want to say to you is: Pay attention to where you get your information. With so many opinions and advice floating around, it’s easy to get confused, mixed up, or overwhelmed.
I invite you to center yourself, meditate, relax, sleep on it, and choose for yourself who you should listen to and who you should filter out. Be cautious of people who are being opportunistic during this time and be wary of anyone trying to sell with fear or shame tactics.
If it makes you feel icky, avoid it.
And these very same guidelines will help you know how to talk to your audience and how to sell without giving anyone else that icky feeling.

Selling in Times of Crisis: How Do You Contribute?
Heart-centered business owners are often empaths or HSPs (high sensitive persons). This means you want to help others. It’s why you started doing what you do. But do you ever feel bad for charging or for charging “too much” for what you do? This is something I see in heart-centered businesses all the time. It may even be something someone has told you.
“You shouldn’t charge people for reading their cards!”
“It’s wrong to make money as a healer.”
Has anyone ever said any of these things to you about your business? You may suffer from guilt around charging for your services.
So, here’s the most important thing to ask yourself: How do you contribute?
When you identify and highlight all the positive ways you contribute to society, you will be able to do the same thing, even in times of crisis. When you have something truly of value to offer, there’s no need to be afraid to share it.
If you’re in doubt regarding whether or not your offer is truly of value, go back to the drawing board and revisit:
- Who do you help?
- How do you help?
- Why do they need you NOW?
Then ask yourself, are you contributing to the noise? Is what you’re sharing high vibrational? Is it conscious?
It is absolutely okay for you to continue to run your work-from-home business. You should not feel guilty for wanting to continue “normal” as much as you can for you and your family.
But selling in times of crisis means being aware of the current client, knowing how to take the temperature in the room, showing up in a way that is truly meaningful and helpful, and respecting the changes in both society and the economy.
Heart-Centered Businesses Need to Show Up
Heart-centered businesses are being called to show up now more than ever before. Just be sure you show up in a way that improves the current world, rather than adding more stress and strife.
Be well and stay tuned for more posts about selling a heart-centered business in a crisis. <3
Hi, Lisa,
this morning I got on my laptop searching for help, I’m a psychotherapist based in Yoga and a light worker. I started my private practice 2 years ago, but in February, decided to move more into my “woo” and make a whole lot of changes. It was, and is, the right move for me, but at the same time, I get caught up in all of the noise, just as you have written about. At times I feel like I don’t even know who I am amid all of it because there are energies constantly pulling on me from social media to marketers to other coaches…but none of that is ME. I really appreciate your blog and will defiantly follow you. I have a blog, too, A View Of Life, if you’d ever like to write something on being a mom and being a spiritual entrepreneur I would love to have you as a guest writer. You’ve really helped me…thank you, All Good Things