Can a Full Moon Ritual for copy help you supercharge your content and reach the heart and soul of your target audience? Of course it can! We can use the power of the moon and its phases in all aspects of our lives, including in our businesses.
As a spiritual entrepreneur, you likely already know the power and magic of the moon phases. As a professional copywriter and spiritual copy coach, I am here to show you how to meld these two things in perfect harmony to unleash the best possible content to share your message and reach your audience.
Today, Sunday, the 16th of June moving into Monday the 17th (depending on where in the world you are), we have another Full Moon upon us. This is a great time to do a Full Moon Ritual to help you with your copy.
Full moons have long been considered a magical or mystical time that allows you to connect with your spiritual, sacred, and feminine self. This makes it a really great time for creative work, and copywriting and content creation is no exception.
Note: You do NOT have to be a professional copywriter to use this full moon ritual. This is for spiritual business owners who create their own copy. It is not exclusive to professional copywriters.
So, how does it work? Well, if you’ve ever done a Full Moon ritual for anything else in your life, it’s basically the same thing – but with copy and content intentions.
For those who may not be all that familiar with moon rituals, let’s look at some basics.
Basics of Moon Rituals
New moons represent fresh starts and new beginnings. Full moons mark turning points, closure, or manifestations. This means creation – like starting a new project or creating new copy – is best done with the new moon.

The full moon is good for harvesting those seeds you’ve sown at the new moon. Full moons are also a great time to make decisions.
I know it sounds very “woo woo”, but it’s probably the least of the woo things you’ll see me discuss here, if you look at it historically and logically. Our ancestors used the moon and the changing of the seasons to mark when they hunted, fished, planted, and even moved. It’s as old as time itself.
In the fast-paced tech world we live in today, it’s easy to forget this, and easy to fall out of sync with the natural rhythms of our world. Many even believe it’s why so many people struggle with anxiety and burnout today (and it’s why grounding exercises can help you feel better).
A Full Moon Ritual for Copy
That said, what can a moon ritual do for your business copy? As a spiritual entrepreneur, you’re already using other spiritual practices and rituals to manage your business and your own mindset around your business.
What many people don’t think about, however, is how this also relates to your copy and content. What types of things do I include in “copy and content”? Here are just a few examples:
- Blog posts for your audience
- Emails and newsletters
- Social media content
- Scripts for videos, webinars and Facebook Lives
- Any other written communication with your audience
If you’ve ever gotten stuck on any of these things, struggled to produce new content, struggled to produce content that really conveys the message you desire, or have problems creating copy that converts, a Full Moon Ritual for Copy might be just what you need!
Let’s look at how to get started.
Supplies for the Full Moon Ritual for Copy
You don’t need much to do this ritual. In fact, the only thing that is 100% required is something to write WITH and something to write ON.
There are some additional things I will talk about in this Full Moon Ritual and if you have them, great! (As a spiritual entrepreneur, you likely do already.) However, if you don’t, that’s fine. It’s not a requirement. It won’t cause your ritual to “fail” (there’s no failing at this).
With that in mind, here are some other suggested optional supplies:
- sage (fresh or sage spray) or a smudging kit
- selenite for cleansing
- a notebook or paper to write on
- pen or pencil to write with
- candles – white or silver bring out lunar powers, but you can use any color you desire
The Full Moon gives us a really potent time to do a smudging or cleansing ritual, which is why I include it as part of the Full Moon ritual for copy.
This time is all about taking what you have already been working on, see what works, and then determine what you need to ensure a full harvest. This is the perfect time to “pick” your harvest. What should you keep and what should you let go?
During this Full Moon, release what no longer serves you and your greater good.
In terms of copy, what has been working for you over the past few weeks? What isn’t working? How can you improve your harvest in the coming weeks with better copy?
It’s important to sit with these questions for a bit so you can create your intentions for the Full Moon. I recommend doing so in an uninterrupted space and meditating for a bit first to calm your mind.
You don’t have to turn this into an all-night event – just 5 minutes or so of meditation works for most people.
Performing the Full Moon Ritual for Copy
Alright, now let’s get into how you do it. If you’re feeling intimidated, don’t worry. This should be a fun and relaxing experience for you and I’m going to walk you through it, step-by-step.
Step 1: Clear your space and ground
As with any ritual, you want to first clear your space and ground yourself. If you have a sacred space, that’s great! If not, any quiet space will work. Just be sure you are not interrupted.
Bring your supplies with you, and start by saging the area to clear the space. If you have crystals, a wand, or other items in your sacred space that you want to use or have near you, this is fine, too. Remember, this is YOUR ritual and you’re free to change it up to suit your needs.
A good way to ground yourself in before the ritual is to sit still, take a few deep breaths or count down (in your head or out loud). Feel your breaths all the way down into your lower stomach.
There are many, many ways to practice grounding so do whatever works for you.
At this time, you may also light incense, or your candles.
Step 2: Release and forgive
If you set intentions on the new moon, you may have some blocks or emotions that surround that. A full moon ritual for copy is a great time to release these blocks and forgive yourself or anyone else you need to forgive in order to release the energy that may be trapping your creativity.
If you did not set a new moon ritual and this is your first moon ritual, you may still have some blocks you need to release. surrounding your copy. Here are some common ones I hear from my clients:
- “I can’t do it!”
- “I’m not a writer.”
- “I suck at copy.”
- “I don’t know how to describe what I do.”
- “My sales pages never convert.”
- “I’ve been meaning to do it for ages.”
Allow yourself to feel whatever you feel, and don’t judge yourself for it. Now, I want you to write in your journal (or on your paper):
Tonight, by the power of the Full Moon, I release:
Now answer the question with what you want to release regarding your copy or your ability to create content and copy for your business up to this point.
Now is the time to address any blocks you are feeling. What’s coming up for you now? Where do you feel stuck in your copy and content creation?
What would it look like if it were easy?
What would it feel like if it were easy?
Just sit quietly with these feelings for a bit. Allow yourself to feel what you feel. If you find there are fears or negative feelings coming up, write them down. Don’t be afraid to acknowledge them and don’t feel like you have to justify them.
Once you’re done, some people like to fold or roll this paper up and burn it. You can do this over a sink, or in the yard under the moon. You don’t have to burn it. Again, there is no “right” or “wrong” way to do the ritual, but many people like the release that they feel from burning the list of the things they want to release. Do what feels right for you.
3. Give gratitude
Now we want to wrap this up with some time devoted to gratitude. A full moon will amplify whatever energy you put out there so this is a great time to practice gratitude.
- What do you like about your copy?
- Which piece of your current copy is really working for you right now?
- Is there one piece of content you are really proud of?
Again, in your journal (or on your paper) take some time to write about what you are grateful for in regards to your copy and content. Really take the time to appreciate the good stuff and soak in those feelings. Write down as many things as you can think of to be grateful for about your current business copy and content.
Invite the Universe to bring you more – to guide you through your copy process (or to the right expert to help you out).
Sit with the feelings of what it will be like when it’s all worked out.
4. Renew and release with a bath
Finally, you can wrap up the entire ritual with a nice bath. Water is grounding and it’s also symbolic of both cleansing and recharging.
This is a good time to run a bath, add your favorite bath salts or essential oils, and maybe even carry your ritual candles with you (or use new candles in your bath).
Give closure to your Full Moon ritual by washing away the negative and the worry and recharging with fresh new ideas, open energy and excitement about your business.
I also find this is a great time for brainstorming or downloading new ideas for my copy and content. Now that I have cleansed and purged, I find many great, inspiring ideas come to me while in the bath after a moon ritual. You may even want to keep something handing for writing down those ideas when you get out.
Conclusions of the Full Moon Ritual for Copy
This Full Moon Ritual for Copy will help you to harness the power of the moon to help you grow in your business. This is just a guideline for you to get you started. I encourage you to make it your own.
You can repeat the Full Moon Ritual for Copy each time there is a full moon and each cycle, you will learn more about yourself, your business, and the content you want to create for your audience.
If you’d like to discuss more how I can help you unleash the magic behind your copy, feel free to reach out to me.