An abundance altar… what is it and what the heck does it have to do with copywriting?
I’m glad you ask! 🙂
Actually, I get asked this A LOT. Every time I post a picture of my abundance altar or mention it to someone, they want to know more. So, here’s a post that’s been a long time coming, where I will explain what it is, why I do it, and how you can do it for yourself (if you feel called to).
Ready? Let’s go!

What Is an Abundance Altar?
First, if the concept of an abundance altar is new to you, then let’s take some time to go over the basics. It seems that everyone is looking for more in their lives – more money, more abundance, more luck, more opportunity…
I invite you to ask yourself what you’re actually doing to invite abundance into your life and your home. Just wishing for it isn’t enough.
This is where an abundance altar comes in! This is a type of ceremonial tradition and it’s all about dedicating a space in your physical dwelling for money, abundance, and prosperity as you see it. It doesn’t have to be a large space.
The key is that it is a dedicated space. If you can’t be bothered to section off even a small space in your home to honor the good, abundant things in life, how can you reasonably expect to receive more?
How to Create Your Own Abundance Altar
There are really no hard and fast rules on how to create your own abundance altar. I think this is the real beauty of it. As with any magick or ritual, it’s all about what you make of it.
The basics are: choose a space, dedicate it, put items in it, then use it. You can do this any way you want, but I will give you some basics to get you started.
That said, here are some guidelines for setting up your space.
Choose Your Space
You will need to decide where in your home or office you want to place your altar. Some use Feng Shui guidelines to help them choose the perfect space in their home. If this doesn’t resonate with you, don’t worry. It’s not a requirement.
It should, however, be a clean space where you feel safe placing objects that are special to you (and possibly cash and coins), and where you know the space will be respected.
It could be a room, a corner of a room, a table in a room, the top of a bookshelf or a dresser, or anywhere that makes sense for you and allows you to use it regularly.
Dedicate Your Space

Once you have chosen the space for your altar, it’s important to dedicate the space. This doesn’t need to be a big, fancy ritual, and you don’t need to follow any particular religious beliefs or anything like that.
In simple terms, you just want to set this space apart from other spaces in your home, and you want to dedicate the energy of this space to abundance and wealth.
You can do this with prayer or blessings, or with a spiritual cleansing (Florida water or rose water, etc.), or an energy cleansing (sage or sage spray).
Some people like to call on their spirit guides, angels, or ancestors to help them to dedicate or bless the space.
Gather Items for Your Altar
You also need to choose items for your altar. These can change over time (and likely will), but for starters, you can work with what you already have on hand.
There’s no need to go out and spend money on buying a bunch of things (unless you want to). It’s really all about what the items represent to you and how they make you feel.
The first step is to think about what makes you feel abundant. For some people, these might be big numbers in your bank account. For someone else, it might be time with friends and family (you can use pictures, ticket stubs, and other memories), or items from nature (such as shells or sand from a beach trip).
Here are some ideas:
- coins
- cash – from your country or others
- crystals
- candles – especially green and gold
- trinkets or items special to you
- herbs and roots for money and abundance
- oils to bring in money and abundance
- statues or figures of Saints, Gods and Goddesses, Holy Helpers, etc.
- journals, books, or magazines that help you call in abundance
- a bowl of water
- a dish of salt
Again, there are no right or wrong items. You can use what feels good to you. Over time, the items on my altar have changed. I moved some items off, and new ones in, and later may even move some of those old ones back.
I put specific items on my altar when I am trying to manifest specific things. Furthermore, I also add different items that make me feel abundant at different times in my life.
Some base pieces that stay in my abundance altar at all times (currently) are:
- One U.S. bill of each denomination
- Statue Lady Fortuna (Greek Goddess Tyche), the Goddess of Fortune
- Green money candles
- A crystal grid for abundance
- Live money tree
- Crystal money tree
- Jar full of coins (loose change)
- Tray full of quarters
How to Use Your Abundance Altar

Now that you know the basics of what the altar is, let’s take a look at how you use it.
There are different ways that people use their abundance altar. Just as there are so many different things you might put on your altar.
I like to use mine when I am actively manifesting a money or abundance goal. Sitting with my altar and going over my intentions helps me feel like I am strengthening the energy around my intentions.
Daily Practice with the Altar
You can also use it to practice gratitude – give thanks every morning and every evening for all the abundance you already have. I do this just before (or as part of) writing down my gratitude list. I sit with my altar, I may light candles, and I give appreciation for all that I have.
You can do this even if you don’t feel like you have a lot of money right now, even if you’re not feeling the most abundant you’ve ever been, and honestly, especially if you are not feeling super abundant. The best part of a ritual like this is that it allows you to focus more on the feelings of wealth and abundance you DO have, no matter how small, in order to call in more of that.
Focusing on what you don’t have (lack) will call in more of that – and this is exactly what we don’t want!
Using Your Altar for Your Copy
So, what does any of this have to do with copywriting? Well, for one, as the “Woo Woo Copy Coach”, I bring spiritual practices to all of my copy lessons. I believe that mindset is the single most important tool you have for success in all areas of life.
However, you can also use it in a more direct way for your copy and content. Use your abundance altar when you are creating new projects, writing a new sales page, launching a course or new service, or when you just want to call in more new, soul-aligned clients.
This is a place for you to bring your hopes, dreams, fears, failures and successes, and everything in between.
More About Attracting Abundance
If you’d like to learn more about attracting abundance, I love this post from Sarah Prout on Creative Ways to Attract Abundance. You can use her list of 27 ways along with your abundance altar to call in abundance any time you desire!
Further Reading:
If u need something from ur alter is it bad luck to retrieve it ,taking it off the alter to use. My car broke down and I had to use the $20 to fix it. I said thank u
Not at all! You can take it, say thank you (as you said) and allow yourself to feel the gratitude for it being there when you needed it. And then you can replace it once the money comes back to you again.